The world is changing and with it, the way we learn. Challenged, ill or remote students are no longer bound to a second rate educational experience.

Australians have access to some of the best education in the world, but too often, it's only available in certain locations.

Your students deserve the best education regardless of their circumstances.

It's a sad reality that not every child in Australia has access to a great education. There are many kids who live in rural areas or who are sick and unwell that can't attend mainstream classrooms.

However, we know that telepresence robots are helping to close the education gap. Telepresence robots are teleoperated robots that allow remote students to remotely participate in activities. For example, a telepresence robot could be used to allow a child suffering from immunocompromise to attend school remotely.

The child would be able to see and hear their classmates and teachers, and in addition, telepresence robots could be used to bring classes to rural areas, or rural areas to classrooms!

This would provide children in rural areas with access to the same quality of education as those in urban areas. As telepresence technology continues to develop, it has the potential to transform education and make it more inclusive for all children in Australia.

"This sounds hyperbole, but it's changed her life. I mean, she really she wants to be here. She's excited to be here. She excited to say hi to the kids in the hallway. Little things that we take for granted because we do it every day. It's huge for her, life changing"

- Jason Tardy, Principal

Connect Alumni to your current students.

Imagine being able to bring alumni working in the media, tv, and film or any industry to connect with current students in your classes and allow them to talk through feedback on their program or projects.

Many schools are leveraging alumni using telepresence robots to remotely attend classes and provide feedback and mentoring to current students. The telepresence robot allowed the alumni to see and hear what was happening in the room, as well as control the robot's movements. This allows them to interact with the students and provide real feedback on their work from those who have been there before.

This is a great example of how telepresence robots can be used to connect people who are geographically separated, with common goals and outcomes to achieve!





Telepresence For Education Is Here

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities have been forced to adapt in order to continue providing education. One of the most significant changes has been the rise of telepresence. Telepresence allows students and teachers to attend classes remotely, using a robot to represent them in the physical classroom. This technology has a number of advantages, particularly in preventing the spread of illness.

Telepresence is also revolutionising attendance in a post-COVID world. By removing the need to physically travel to school or university, telepresence robots are making it easier for students and teachers to attend classes, even if they are unable to leave their homes. In a post-COVID world, telepresence is likely to become an essential part of education, making it more accessible and convenient for everyone involved.

Why Telepresence over Skype/Teams/Google video conferencing? 🤔


Also known as tele-robots or telebots, these telepresence devices provide a way for students to be physically present in the classroom even when they can't be there in person. There are many benefits to using telepresence robots in education, but one of the most important is that it increases the sense of agency for absent students.

Telepresence Video Calling
Increase in classroom participiation

Freedom to move through a remote space by remote controlling the robot. 

Removes barriers to underachievement

Low latency two-way natural communication with height control, so you see eye-to-eye (not up people's noses!)

Provides clear video and audio in a room than a tablet or laptop

No complex AV setups or second computer - Only the student needs a camera and microphone.

Move around the classroom space with confidence thanks to click-t0-drive and obstacle avoidance

Supports one-to-one relationships and morale building.

Tilt-pan-zoom functionality means students can see everything they need to stay engaged. 

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Telepresence: Bridging The Gap Between Home And School.

What is Telepresence?

Telepresence is an emerging technology that has the potential to bridge the gap between home and school. With the rise of remote learning, telepresence has become essential for students who cannot attend school due to illness or disability. In this article, we will explore the benefits of telepresence and how it can improve the educational experience of students who cannot attend school.

Telepresence is a technology that allows individuals to interact with one another in real-time as if they were in the exact location. It uses high-definition video conferencing, high-quality audio, and other advanced features to create a virtual environment that mimics a face-to-face meeting. Telepresence can be used in various settings, including education, healthcare, and business.

What is Telepresence?

Telepresence is an emerging technology that has the potential to bridge the gap between home and school. With the rise of remote learning, telepresence has become essential for students who cannot attend school due to illness or disability. In this article, we will explore the benefits of telepresence and how it can improve the educational experience of students who cannot attend school.

Telepresence is a technology that allows individuals to interact with one another in real-time as if they were in the exact location. It uses high-definition video conferencing, high-quality audio, and other advanced features to create a virtual environment that mimics a face-to-face meeting. Telepresence can be used in various settings, including education, healthcare, and business.

What is Telepresence?

Telepresence is an emerging technology that has the potential to bridge the gap between home and school. With the rise of remote learning, telepresence has become essential for students who cannot attend school due to illness or disability. In this article, we will explore the benefits of telepresence and how it can improve the educational experience of students who cannot attend school.

Telepresence is a technology that allows individuals to interact with one another in real-time as if they were in the exact location. It uses high-definition video conferencing, high-quality audio, and other advanced features to create a virtual environment that mimics a face-to-face meeting. Telepresence can be used in various settings, including education, healthcare, and business.

In Summary

Telepresence is an innovative technology that can potentially transform education for students who cannot attend school. By providing a virtual classroom environment, telepresence can help to bridge the gap between home and school, providing students with access to high-quality education and specialized resources. With the right technology and infrastructure in place, schools can use telepresence to enhance the educational experience of their students and ensure that they have the best possible chance of success.

By implementing telepresence in education, schools can ensure that no student is left behind and that everyone has equal access to education.


A telepresence robot is a type of educational technology that allows a student to remotely participate in class from another location.

The robot is equipped with a camera and audio system, which the student can use to see and hear the other students and the teacher. The telepresence robot can also be equipped with a whiteboard or other interactive features, which the student can use to collaborate with classmates.

Telepresence robots are an increasingly popular way for students to receive an education, as they provide a more personalised and immersive experience than traditional online classes.

Additionally, telepresence robots can be used to provide education to students in rural or underserved areas who might not otherwise have access to quality education.

As schools move to increase access to education, telepresence robots offer an interesting potential solution. Telepresence robots are essentially an advanced video teleconferencing systems on wheels, and they have been used in a variety of settings, from business meetings to long-distance caregiving. There are a number of potential advantages to using telepresence robots in schools.

First, they can provide students in remote locations with access to the same educational resources as their peers in more populated areas.

Second, telepresence robots can allow for more personalised instruction, as students can control the robot's movements and interactions with friends and teachers.

Finally, telepresence robots can help create a more inclusive learning environment, as students with physical or social anxiety may feel more comfortable interacting with a robot than with their people in person.

While there are certainly challenges to using telepresence robots in schools, the potential benefits warrant further exploration.

A telepresence robot is an emerging technology that allows people to remotely interact with and control robotic devices. telepresence robots have been used in a variety of settings, including medical care, education, business, and manufacturing.

The use of telepresence robots in education is becoming increasingly popular as they offer a number of advantages over traditional methods of instruction.

Telepresence robots allow educators to reach a larger audience without the need for expensive travel, and they can also be used to provide personalized instruction to individual students.

There are a variety of different ways to purchase a telepresence robot such as outright, lease and rent models. To learn more about the pricing please contact us directly to discuss your unique options.

Telepresence robots are becoming increasingly popular in education. These robots allow students to be in two places at once, which can be helpful for students who have to miss school due to illness or other commitments.

Telepresence robots can also be used to provide extra support for students who are struggling with a particular subject. For example, a telepresence robot could be used to provide one-on-one tutoring outside of class time.

In addition, telepresence robots can be used to give students a front-row seat in a lecture or presentation. This can be especially beneficial for students who have difficulty paying attention in large class settings. As telepresence robots become more affordable and easy to use, it is likely that they will become more widely used in education.

TeleIn is an Australian company that leases education telepresence robots. TeleIn's leases include full-time support from the TeleIn team. TeleIn's robots are used by schools and universities across Australia.

TeleIn has a fleet of robots that it leases to schools and universities.

TeleIn has a growing list of satisfied customers who are using its robots to improve their educational experiences. TeleIn is constantly expanding its fleet of robots and is always looking for new schools and universities to lease its telepresence robots to.